Infoindustry published a rating of fertilizer importers to Ukraine in May 2020

Information and Analytical Agency Infoindustry summed up the results of fertilizer import to Ukraine in May 2020. Based on these data, ratings of nitrogen, complex and phosphorus fertilizers importers are compiled.





TOP 10 nitrogen fertilizers importers:

1.Sanagro Ukraine

2. Makosh Mineral

3. Agrokhimproduct

4. Agropartner / Agrokhimresurs

5. Agrokhimtechnology

6. Himprom LTD

7. Importkhim

8. Zakhid

9. UkrRosKhim

10. Korosten MDF plant



TOP 10 NP fertilizers Importers:

1. Sanagro Ukraine

2. UkrRosKhim

3. Agrokhimtechnology

4. Agrotrade ND / Agrotrade Ukraine LTD



7. Druzhba-Nova

8. Enselco agro

9. Trading House – Azovcontract

10. Strabis-Agro



TOP 10 NPK fertilizers importers:

1. Agrorozkvit

2. BNH-Ukraine (Belneftekhim)

3. Free-System

4. Elixir Ukraine

5. Makrokhim / Neuron

6. Makosh Mineral

7. Strabis-Agro

8. Agrosem

9. BF TRADE / Binfield

10. Agrokhimresurs


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