The drought hits crops, and raiders hit farmers

The complex of spring field work in Ukraine is practically completed. Farmers carry out the latest operations and prepare resources, techniques for the harvesting.

“The biggest problem for Vinnytsya agricultural producers is the lack of precipitation from the beginning of spring. The sowing campaign was very short, and the summer began immediately after the snow had gone. That’s why all farms were forced to sow very fast. There was a lack of working capital. The situation was aggravated by the fact that such a well-known agro-chemical company, as “Empire-Agro”, because of its financial difficulties did not supply seeds and crop protection means, which were prepaid by farmers. Large producers have lost several millions hryvnias. There was no assistance from the state during sowing. The structure of the crop area has not changed, because there are no economic preconditions for growing peas, buckwheat or other low-yielding crops. Every farmer sows what can give the maximum profit to pay off debts, because it is impossible to work without the credit resources, which today cost 20-35%”, – said the head of the “Avangard” SP, which in the Shargorod district, Sergiy Hutsol.

The main crops in the Avanguard are wheat and sunflower, soybean which area have decreased by 20% due to changes in VAT regime. The sugar beets processors offered the beet growers good terms of cooperation, commodity loans, and therefore they increased its area.

Not all farms in the Mykolaiv and Odesa oblasts have good staircases of winter wheat because of drought. Due to the heat and the lack of rain crops are in bad condition. In the places of local rains, it is normal. The sowing of the spring crops is finished; the last seeds lay in dry land.

Pavlo Potomsky, the head of the “Perspectiva” branch of Myronivsky Hliboproduct, which is located on the lands of several districts of the Precarpathian oblast, also complains about a very fast spring. On the next day after the snowfall, the temperature reached + 25-26 degrees. Deep cracks in the ground with rape, wheat crops were formed.

On the fields of the farm “Bogdan and K”, which is in the Snyatin district in Ivano-Frankivsk oblast, headed by Bogdan Timofiychuk is a good rape. The plants reach his head.

Bohdan has been growing rape for a long time. At first he used Czech seeds, which began to give 3 tons per hectare, but then gradually switched to the Swiss. Now he sets himself the task of taking a yield over 5 tons.

“We had no spring at all, the summer began after the snow immediately”, says a farmer from the Pokrovsky district of Donetsk region Rodion Khilyuk. “The moisture is very quickly vapored. Especially it concerns wheat, it develops worse than last year. The sowing of cultivated crops has been completed, there are no problems with the supply of plant protection means and fuel. There is only a lack of working capital. Farmers in the Donetsk region have no access to credit resources, it is considered that this is a zone of fighting and banks do not want to risk, but farmers are forced to risk by the harvest, property, life under fire. Application of fertilizers was appropriate. It was possible to apply more, but in such heat it makes no sense. The main crops are sunflower, wheat, barley, rape.

“We are concerned not only about the drought and the state of the crops, but about the fact that local farmers are unprotected from raiders,” – says Mykola Yakubenko the head of the Association of Agrarians in the Podilsk District of the Odesa oblast. The land is taken away from farmers by threats and by primitive machinations with undeclared shares and land reserves. Agrarians says they submit letters to the Presidential Administration, the Cabinet of Ministers, law enforcement bodies, but in response are just formal replies.

IA Infoindustry

Rape, corn, sunflower and soybeans crops on the fields of Kyiv region. May 12, 2018

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